Welcome to Phyllis Kester's front porch

Entertaining short stories written for adults and older children to serve as a bridge from an earlier generation to the present

My childhood summers would find my family gathered with neighbors and friends on the front porch to sing and socialize as our houses cooled off from the heat of the afternoon. Without air conditioning, we opened the windows to let the natural breezes cool our house so it would be more comfortable by bedtime. This was before television sets in every home and cellphones, so it was a time of outside neighborhood games like hide and seek or kick the can. It was also a precious season of visiting and story telling. I loved when relatives visited and told stories about my parents when they were young.

Scripture tells us one generation should tell of the works of the Lord to the next generations. We are designed to invest in each other and sharing our stories is one way to do it. But how will our descendants learn these stories if we don’t continue to gather and retell them? As time and health permit, this website will be “my front porch” for sharing some personal family stories and other short stories.

I challenge you to begin sharing stories within your own family. Perhaps some of mine will remind you of your own, or will spur you to begin asking questions of your own relatives.

Phyllis's Recent Posts

Other Stories

Meeting Corrie ten Boon

I’m grateful for the years spent in the Houston area because they gave me the opportunity to hear and meet many outstanding famous individuals visiting our region. This was especially true when I was just shy of 40, with elementary-school-age sons, and Corrie ten Boom was approaching 90. Our paths crossed in the late 1970s when she was in town for medical appointments and staying with her friend. I had been invited to join a Houston advisory board that was invited to meet Corrie and then attend her informal talk...read more
Family Journeys

Walking the Plank

Life is full of surprises, like in 2001 when I planned an extensive trip through Peru. Two friends were worried about my plans and tried to change my mind. On multiple occasions, our newspapers reported American tourists being kidnapped in Peru for ransom to help fund the activities of the Maoist Shining Path guerrilla group. I listened to their concerns and conducted research. There were numerous incidents of violence in Peru from 1980 to 2000. Many had been linked to Abigail Guzman, a Philosophy professor who...read more
Family Journeys

Train Ride in a Flood

  In the Spring of 2019, Monty and I joined other friends and relatives in Colorado Springs for the week-long graduation celebration at the Air Force Academy. Because we had rented a large house to accommodate all of us, it was a wonderful celebration and time of catching up with various families' lives. Since I knew we would be returning to Virginia by train, I didn’t pay attention to the weather across our country during that time.  At the end of the week, we were dropped off at the...read more

Now Available

A head-on car collision. Job loss. The death of a child. Phyllis and Monty Kester survived all these crises and more. But one thing remained constant throughout: the inspirational love story between a husband and wife and their Lord. learn more